Videos Ridículos

¡Bienvenido!  Welcome
to the Ridiculous Spanish Video Project!

Mira estos videos y haz las hojas de aprendizaje que van con ellos. ¡Diviértate!
Watch these videos and do the worksheets that accompany them! Have fun!

If you really enjoy a video, please "like" it on Youtube to help that group win the contest for lunch at Zía Taquería!

Y ahora...los videos ridículos!

Videos de Ser v. Estar

1) Cómela

Cómela paquete de repaso
Clave - Cómela paquete de repaso
Vocabulario útil para Cómela

2) Amor es Dolor

3) Aventura a la Casa de James

Videos de Gustar

1) Justin Bieber Swag

Paquete de Repaso - Justin Bieber Swag
Clave - Paquete de Repaso - Justin Bieber Swag
Vocabulario útil - Justin Bieber Swag

2) Spanish Gustar-style

Paquete de Repaso - Spanish Gustar Style
Clave - Paquete de Repaso - Spanish Gustar Style
Vocabulario útil - Spanish Gustar Style

3) Los Totopos con Queso

1) La Granja de la Naranja

Videos de Ir + A + Infinitivo

1) Un Día en la Vida de Paco

Paquete de Repaso - Ir + a + ornitorrinco
CLAVE - Paquete de Repaso - Ir + a + ornitorrinco

Vocabulario útil - Ir + a + ornitorrinco

Videos de Pronombres de OD y OI

1) An American, Spanish Love Song

Paquete de Repaso - An American, Spanish Love Song
CLAVE - Paquete de Repaso - An American, Spanish Love Song


Task Statement: The Ridiculous Spanish Videos Project!

You all have asked for it, so here it is: The Ridiculous Spanish Videos Project!

We all know how to ask "Puedo ir al baño" because of Sr. Wooly's class and their famous Spanish video. We remember how to conjugate the imperfect in part because of the Lady Gaga-inspired imperfect conjugation video. We might even remember how reflexives work because of the awesome "Reflex Your Verby" video.

Your task, in groups of 3, will be to create a video completely en español that integrates new and review grammar concepts in a way that is fun and, ideally, memorable. In addition to creating a video in your small group, each of you will individually be responsible for making a worksheet that leverages your video to review a specific grammar topic. While you are away on LINK, you will be completing a grammar and vocabulary review packet that requires you to select 6 of your peers' videos and complete their worksheets (18 total review sheets!). This way, your Spanish will stay present in your mind even when you're away :).

Project Objectives

·      To have fun with Spanish!
·      To integrate new & review grammar and vocabulary concepts.
·      To keep your Spanish fresh, even while you're away.

Project Tasks
1.    Group: Make a Youtube video en español that exemplifies 3 specific grammar concepts
2.    Group: Create a list of 12 important NEW vocabulary words from your video.
3.    Individual: Create a worksheet that uses your video to review 1 specific grammar concept.
4.    Individual: Complete the review sheets corresponding with 6 of your peers' videos.


The exhibition for this project will be an online. I will reach out to Spanish teachers I know and have students view our video page and "like" videos as they see fit. The winning group will earn fame and a prize!

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